A 4 movement online gathering
On May 22, 23 & 24 our unique, humane online gathering took place, a 3day journey where a total of 480 humans from 18 countries and 5 continents came together for the 1st Echo of Delphi a dialogue about the future and the role each and every one of us can play in creating the so urgently needed new ecological civilisation. The echo of the emblematic ancient location of Delphi in Greece, resonated with Ludwigsburg in Germany and many more places in the world.
Our guests representing the 6 sides of our Delphic Cube -Sustainability/Regeneration, Democracy, Education, Inner Development, Technology & Science, and the Arts through the 4 notions of Consciousness, Change, Connection & Creation presented ideas and concrete examples on how to create this new human narrative based on a shift of values